Haf Weighton – falch i fod adre (Scroll down for English)
Un noson, pedair mlynedd yn ôl, yn ein cartref yng Ngogledd Llundain, fe ddechreuon drafod y syniad o ddychwelyd i Gymru. Cyn hynny doedd dim cynllun gyda fi symud adre, ond roeddwn yn awyddus i’m plant siarad Cymraeg. Felly dechreuon edrych ar dai ar werth yn Ne Cymru. Chwe mis yn ddiweddarach roedden ni’n cychwyn ein bywyd newydd ym Mhenarth. Erbyn hyn mae ein plant yn mynychu’r ysgol Gymraeg yma ac mae fy ngŵr yn Uwch Ysgrifennydd yn Mathdu Brenhinol, Llantrisant.
Mae bod oddi cartref am dros 20 mlynedd wedi dylanwadu arna i ond yn rhyfedd iawn, ers i mi symud adref, mae fy ngyrfa celf wedi datblygu’n rhyfeddol. Blwyddyn diwethaf cefais y siawns i arddangos fy ngwaith celf yn un o orielau mwyaf adnabyddus y byd: Galeri Saatchi.
Yn ogystal â Llundain, ‘dwi hefyd wedi byw yn Awstralia, Canada a Seland Newydd. Efallai, gan i mi deithio cymaint, y syniad o ‘adre’ yw’r un sy’n fy ysbrydoli.
O Ebrill 12fed ym Mhafiliwn Pier Penarth, fe fydd lansiad arddangosfa o fy ngwaith tecstiliau, ar y thema ‘adre’.
Fe fyddaf yn rhannu’r arddangosfa a’r thema gyda Carol Bartlett o siop leol, Sew Lovely sydd wedi bod yn creu lluniau gyda phwyth yn ddiweddar. Hefyd yn yr arddangosfa mi fydd gwaith gan blant ysgol.
Yn y parti agoriadol ar Ebrill 12fed o 7pm, fe fydd cyfansoddwr y sioe gerdd Tiger Bay ac awdur Llwyth, Dafydd James, yn siarad am ddylanwad ei gartre ar ei waith. Mi fydd Clwb Cerddoriaeth Analog Penarth (AMC) yn chwarae recordiau ar y thema ‘Adre’ a phawb a’r Snowcat Cinema hefyd yn dangos ffilm ‘Sleep Furiously’ sy’n ymwneud a’r un thema.
Rwyn annog pawb sydd â diddordeb i ddod i ddathlu gyda ni.
Haf Weighton – proud to be home
One night, four years ago, at our home in North London, my husband and I started discussing the idea of moving to Wales. Over a few days, what started off as a bit of a joke, followed by property searches on the net, suddenly became a bit of a reality, with us taking it in turns to hop on the train to Wales to view properties. Roll on 6 months and we had started a whole new life in Penarth. Now our children attend a Welsh medium school here and my husband is Senior Copywriter for The Royal Mint in Llantrisant.
Living away from home for over 20 years has benefitted me, but unquestionably, since returning home, my career as an artist has developed significantly. Last year my art work was exhibited in one of the world’s most famous art galleries: The Saatchi Gallery.
In addition to living in London, I have lived in Australia, Canada, and New Zealand. I have had many adventures along the way. Perhaps it is due to my years of travelling, the theme of ‘home’ is one I revisit through my art.
On April 12th I will be launching an exhibition of textiles on the theme of ‘home’ at Penarth Pier Pavilion. The exhibition, including the theme will be shared with Carol Bartlett, of Sew Lovely a local fabric shop in my home town. Carol has started developing her own stitched pictures in the past year based on old pictures of Penarth. (@Carolbartlettart).
Work by local children who I have worked with recently will also appear in the exhibition.
The composer of Tiger Bay and writer of Llwyth, Dafydd James, will speak at the opening about the influence of home on his work. Penarth’s Analogue Music Club (AMC) will play tunes on the theme of home – and if you have records to spin – you are more than welcome to bring some along. Snowcat Cinema at the Pavilion will screen ‘Sleep Furiously’ on the opening night at 7.30. This is a wonderful poetic look at a Ceredigion Community that is somehow out of time and full of ‘hiraeth’.
We invite everyone who is interested to join us at the Pier on the night of the opening party on Friday April 12th at 7pm.
Adre – Home will be exhibited at Penarth Pier Pavilion from 12th April until May 30 th 2019.Please check with the venue before making a journey.
Haf Weighton
Instagram @Hafweightonartist
Penarth Pier Pavilion, The Esplanade, Penarth, CF643AU. Open Monday to Sunday 9am til 5pm.

(Left – sketching in Brno, Czech republic)
(Right – Penarth Pier Pavilion)
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